Monday, November 15, 2010

The Magic Bridge

The Magic Bridge
Herbert Barks
ISBN 1-884327-05-3
Anyone contemplating a new venture or facing life changing circumstances should read this book. The author had served as headmaster of a private school for 17 years when he faced a major illness. As an ordained minister he had served three congregations and attended the sick and dying. He was present at the death of beloved colleague.
As he faced each crisis, he realized the truth in the words of a former student and valued friend, “Your teacher has arrived.” From this simple phrase, he gathered strength to face, and learn from, adversity. He also emphasizes wilderness as a sanctuary and teacher.
Throughout the book, Barks weaves the Russian folk tale of the Firebird. A character known only as the Hunter finds a feather from this magnificent bird. The find sets him on a series of quests which cause him to learn his ultimate destiny, a destiny greater than he imagined.

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