Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why Write?

Here are a couple of responses I received by email. There is also at least one posted on the facebook group, Feed Your Brain.

You already know why I write. I feel like I have a story that nobody else can tell. Also, because I see more than some people do ------ like the real fat lady hurrying toward Mckenzie Arena for UTC graduation on sandals with fragile looking French heels. I wondered how they held up her bulk.
She had on a red dress with a row of red roses across the top of her rump. They danced and jiggled as she hurried along. I haven't figured out how to tell this, but I will one day.
Nobody else in our car saw her.......Take care and BEware on Sat. night (Halloween)

Another reply read:
The young student character (in Shadowlands, I think) says, "We read to know we are not alone."

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